Greenhouse Sales

Building #: 33
Campus: East
Built: 1975
Square Footage: 100ft²
Architectual Style: Modern


42.385961, -71.206524


The Greenhouse Sales building is a small shed-like structure, designed to appear as a quaint house or farm stand near the Chapel Road entrance. A window opens toward Waverley Oaks Road, where a sales counter is built on the inside. Residents were able to sell seeds and plants propagated at the nearby Greenhouse, learning how to operate a cash register, perform money calculations and interact with the public. Crafts, decorations and bric-a-brac made by Fernald residents were also sold here. The interior is unfinished and contains wooden shelving, cabinets and an electrical breaker panel. A railroad spur which delivered coal to the institution can be found just a short distance away, constructed around 1920.

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